Novi Covix zin C19

Specijalno komikaze izdanje stripova i ilustracija nastalih za vrijeme karantene na temu covida 19. / special komikaze edition of comics and illustrations made during quarantine on the covid 19 topic.

Klik na imena / Click on the names:

anouk ricard • merlin mannelly • lina ehrentraut • yvan guillo – samplerman • hillergoodspeed •  milan trenc •  sonja vulpes  • bastart • tea jurišić • kri_na • ivana armanini

Klik na izdanje & info / Click on the issue & info:  – info

Svi covix_c19 radovi biti će tiskani u Komikaze antologiji #19 krajem 2020.!sljedeći regularni broj Komikaze webzine #54 izlazi 15.8.2020. / All covix_c19 works will be included in the next Komikaze anthology #19 at the end of 2020! next regular issue of the Komikaze webzine will be out on 15th of august 2020. 

Otvoreni poziv za webzine Komikaze #54/ open call for the webzine #54

Niz radova strip umjetnika_ica koje smo instantno “šerali” na komikaze facebook stranici u karanteni smo sada, u spomen na našu koronarnu fb – katarzuobjedinili u covix_c19 – međunarodni webzine stripova i ilustracija. u izdanje su uključeni i stripovi crtani za projekt #rescueparty autora_ica: Line Ehrentraut, Merlin Mannely i Ivane Armanini. / many art works by lots of comic artists instantly shared on our facebook page during the quarantine we collected now in the memory on our fb-corona catharsis in the covix_c19 – international webzine of comics & illustrations. the issue includes 3 comics drawn for the #rescueparty project by the authors: lina ehrentraut, merlin mannely and ivana armanini.

Zahvaljujemo Gabrielu Fowleru na super-inspirativnom projektu #rescueparty. Gabriel Fowler je voditelj kultne brooklinške stripoteke desert island comics, maloj volumenom a golemoj po kreativnoj umreženosti. covix_19 predstavlja 3 stripa napravljena za ovaj projekt a ostalih 300 možete pogledati na: 
/ Thanks to Gabriel Fowler on the super-inspirational project #rescueparty. Gabriel Fowler is the manager of the cult comic bookshop in brooklyn – desert island comics, small in squares but grand in creative networking. covix_19 presents 3 comics made for this project and other 300 you can check on: &

Komikaze program 2020. je podržan od grada zagreba & ministarstva kulture republike hrvatske. / Komikaze programme is supported by the city of zagreb & the croatian ministry of culture.

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